Do you trust your health professional?

A health or fitness professional can make or break your success when it comes to fat loss or muscle building. If you follow the advice of a competent professional, you will certainly get to where you want to be. However, there are many professionals who promote unhealthy tactics which are dangerous and bad for your health. These people will sabotage your fitness goals and make you feel like a failure for not being able to follow through. I will use myself as an example. Before entering my first fitness competition last year, I was networking with a trainer who is ...
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Turning Negativity into Positivity

Just last week I found myself feeling extremely demotivated about working hard to transform my body for the second time and compete in May. I’m well into my third week of dieting and have started to face the reality of how much sacrifice it takes to achieve some really difficult goals. I’ve had moments where I’ve been surrounded by people eating cake while I simply turn a blind eye. The other issue I’m faced with is watching my calorie intake. I can’t just eat whenever I’m hungry. I have to stick to portion sizes, keep my carb intake quite moderate ...
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Cardio: is it really that bad?

I always come across different fitness pages/websites discussing how bad it is to do hours of cardio. Some people even avoid cardio altogether for fear of losing muscle. Others brag about how they became lean without doing any cardio whatsoever. However, is cardio really all that bad? I personally believe it isn’t. Whereas it’s bad to over train with hours of cardio sessions each day, this same rule can apply to weight lifting or any other physical activity. If I want to become leaner, I NEED to do cardio in combination with weights. This photo shows my before and after ...
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Competing: how is my training going?

In exactly nine weeks’ time I would have competed in bikini fitness for the second time. The months of preparation are extremely challenging, so I’ve categorized some pros and cons to summarize what I’ve been going through. PROS 1- The changes in my body are so Goodrewarding and make all the hard work worthwhile. A few years ago I was a jeans size 29/30 and now I fit into a size 24. Even though that seems tiny, I’m still anything but skinny. I would have never thought that would even be physically possible a few years back. 2- I’m getting ...
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One Month After Miami Pro

It has been exactly one month since I walked off the stage at the Miami Pro European Championships until today. I am so pleased that I have maintained my competition weight and have been enjoying the simple pleasures I had to neglect during my training period. It feels good not to have to train at 7 am and to be able to dine out whenever I want. I’m enjoying (healthy) lunches, dinners and nights out on a daily basis! One major concern many competitors face is relapsing after a competition and regaining all the weight they worked so hard to ...
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