Recipe by guest author N.P.Burggraaff

Feel like a low carb lunch? This omelette is hearty and fills you up just like carbs would.

Ingredients: ( for 2 servings )

4 eggs

3/4 cup of sliced mushrooms

50 g of feta (crumbled)

100 ml low fat milk

chives for garnish



Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl and add the milk, then give it a good whisk (till it becomes one color). Finally add in the rest of the ingredients, except for the chives.

In a large frying pan, spray some nonstick cooking spray or grease the pan with some coconut oil. Be sure the eggs won’t stick to the pan because you’ll want a nice whole omelette and not scrambled eggs.

Fry the omelette on medium heat for about 10 minutes. Don’t flip the omelette, it should cook just with the 'sunny side up' . When the omelette is sturdy enough, flip the omelette halfway so that you get a cal-zone. Remove from the pan and cut in half, then sprinkle with some fresh chives.

Calories per serving: 250