How bad do you want to change?

You might have heard all kinds of excuses as to why someone is unable lose weight. Whether it is bad genetics or a busy schedule, there always seems to be something preventing them from achieving their fitness goals.

The reality is that most people don’t have superior genes and can’t get away with eating whatever they like. Everyone is busy, everyone works and most people have families. Even if you hate exercising, there is no need to gorge on junk food on a daily basis. There really is no legitimate excuse not to take care of your health and your body.

I had this discussion with someone the other day who claimed that they feel extremely insecure about their body. This same person also expressed that they have no interest in joining a gym or cutting out junk food on a daily basis. This is absolutely fine, as you set your own priorities in life and do what matters to you the most.

I am one of those people who does not have superior genes. In fact, if I am not extremely careful about what I eat, I can literally look at food at gain weight. My priority is and will always be to take care of my health and my body. And you know what? I think I enjoy life much more than most cookie monsters!

If you suddenly wake up and realize that you want to look better, feel better and live longer, start setting your priorities. Make time for exercise. Head down to the supermarket and buy healthy food to cook at home. If you are ordering in, choose grilled protein or healthy food like salads instead of pizza and burgers. Join a gym! This will bring you benefits and make you feel happier, healthier and fitter.

The truth is, if you claim that you want to get into better shape and do nothing to change your current lifestyle, then taking care of your body is not a priority in your life. You are the only person who chooses what you do. Your actions will either bring you closer to your goals or move you further away from them.

It all boils down to how badly you want to change.

Read the newly added article for this week:

How to Deal With Information Overload

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