When it comes to successfully adhering to your body transformation program, it is essential to plan ahead and make sure that you’ll follow through no matter what else comes along. Here are some general guidelines for getting started, which should help you to stay on track.

Dedicate an afternoon to designing meal plans

This rule applies to those who are creating their own meal plans, rather than following the guidelines of a coach or nutritionist. When it comes to calculating your macronutrients, and how many calories you are going to be eating each day, design several menus, which you will be able to follow throughout the week. Include at least five different meal plans so that all you will need to do is select a different one to follow each day. One of the excuses people often make is that they don’t have enough time to design diverse meal plans and calculate their macronutrients for each differently. In reality, it only takes a single afternoon to create several menus, which you’ll be able to follow for months. This will ensure that you only need to do everything once.


Cook in bulk

When it comes to preparing the meals for your diet, always cook in bulk and freeze leftover food for the remainder of the week. Once your food is cooked, all you will need to do each day is measure your food portions. Cooking food in one big batch and then freezing it will save you hours of preparation time and will ensure you eat what you are supposed to every day.

Always plan a day before

If you want to consistently follow your diet program, always plan one day ahead. If you’re going to be at work or on the go, pack your meals and take them with you. If you’re planning to be somewhere where you won’t be able to find healthy food, eat before you go out. If you’d like to indulge at a dinner party, schedule it as your weekly cheat meal so that it won’t affect your diet. Planning in advance can enforce 100% adhesion to your body transformation program.

It’s not that hard to make time for exercise

Going to the gym for an hour will only take up 4% of your day. You should schedule in your gym sessions the same way you prepare your meals - in advance. Make exercise a priority and treat it as something important. If you must miss a session, make up for it in some way.  Wake up earlier, visit the gym during your lunch break or do your exercise over the weekend. You can also invest in some amazing at home workout DVDs if you’re someone with a very hectic schedule. Exercise not only accelerates fat loss and sculpts muscle definition - it also offers unparalleled health benefits.

Always get back on track

In order to achieve great levels of health and fitness and the best body you’ve ever had, you need to spend the majority of your time performing actions that will get you there. Don’t feel demotivated or discouraged if you fail to follow through once. A bad meal or a skipped gym session will not negate your results. Get right back on track and keep doing whatever you need to do to reach your fitness goal.

Be prepared to deal with social pressure

Other people might not understand what you’re doing or why you’re doing it. People may envy you, discourage you, or dislike the fact that you aren’t joining them in indulging in junk food and drinking alcohol. Expect this and be prepared to deal with criticism from other people. Be indifferent to anyone who does not support your goals, and keep reminding yourself why you want to do this. At the end of your program you’ll be the one who has achieved your goals and transformed your body. You’ll be the winner.

Enjoy the journey

Enjoy the challenges you’ll face along this journey. It’s not easy and it requires extreme dedication. However, the results you achieve and the satisfaction they bring you will be worth every second of sacrifice. There’s nothing better than feeling fit, healthy and confident.