Along with being extremely friendly and helpful, Andreia shared many useful tips which I will certainly take with me to the stage. However, it is not as easy as someone might think. Along with following a super clean diet and training incredibly hard at the gym, you will also need to master your stage presentation.
This is something I am currently struggling with. I am incredibly stiff when it comes to walking in heels and can’t seem to get it right. I watched some videos of me practicing and feel like I look as if I am marching in the army. Even though I go out on the weekends and wear heels all the time, this feels completely different.
However, one very important tip Andreia shared with me was to work as hard as I can now and simply enjoy the competition in May. This is what I intend to do. Along with sticking to my diet and pushing myself in the gym every week, I will also be practicing my walk and my poses. With time, effort and endless practice, I hope to improve dramatically.
The same applies for anyone else who is struggling to lose weight or achieve a goal. You might not be where you want to be yet, but if you are patient and truly work hard, you will eventually get there. It’s not about comparing yourself to anyone else either. If I want to compare myself to professional fitness models, I will find that I look ridiculous at this stage. It’s about creating the very best version of YOU and believing in yourself along your journey.