So here it is! You know you might be addicted to bodybuilding if:
1- You own more gym clothes than regular clothes
2- You spend all your money on protein powder and muscle-building supplements
3- You grunt and scream at the gym to the point that people think you might be a little crazy
4- You don’t know what to do with yourself on rest day
5- You research hotels on vacation to make sure they have a fully equipped gym
6- You love gaining weight on the scale (more muscle mass!)
7- You eat every three to four hours
8- You know what a macronutrient is
9- You take progress photos of yourself every week (and hope nobody ever finds them!)
10- You have eaten meals out of Tupperware… (your healthy fats, protein and carbs go with you wherever you go!)
11- You get mad at your friends for ordering dessert when they have dinner with you
12- You have actually had dreams about the gym (literally speaking!)
13- You have a healthy dinner at home before going to a party that will be serving junk food (nothing gets in the way of you and your goals!)
14- You have dragged most of your friends and family with you to the gym at least once (and they hate you for it)
15- Your palms are full of calluses from weightlifting
16- You own the Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding by Arnold Schwarzenegger (and you’ve read it at least twice)
17- You never skip leg day but cry on the way out of your session (and can’t walk the next day!)
18- The gym is always a priority in your schedule
19- You have woken up really early to do fasted cardio
20- You have given up alcohol at some point to reach your goals
21- You are a nightmare to be around on low carb day
22- You can’t walk past a mirror without flexing or checking out your muscle definition
23- The only pages you follow on social media are fitness and bodybuilding related
24- You eat chicken for breakfast (no better source of protein in the morning!)
25- You have never walked into a restaurant and ordered what is written on the menu without changing it around (no French fries, no sauces, no cheese….!)
26- You stay away from fat loss scams and enjoy working hard
27- You spend so much time at the gym that people worry about you if you take a couple of days off
28- Your day is always better after a hardcore lifting session
29- You talk about training so much that people have to politely remind you to change the subject
30- You physically shock people with the amount of food you can eat during a cheat meal (you obviously earned every bite of that burger!)